Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Iran yesterday launched a naval destroyer

Iran yesterday launched a naval destroyer
Tehran - Iran's navy destroyers yesterday launched its first domestically produced in a ceremony attended by the supreme leader and commander in chief as well as Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamanei.

The ship weighs about 14,000 tons are equipped with modern radar and electronic warfare capabilities. "Jamaran, destroyer for many missions, personnel can carry 120-140 on it and armed with various anti-ship missiles and surface to air with the highest speed reached 30 knots and has a helipad," said a local television media.

"The ship was also equipped with torpedoes and modern naval cannon."

State television also showed pictures and ceremony of the ship where the ship was launched by Khamanei flanked by a number of important Iranian military commander.

Many of Iran's naval equipment comes from before the 1979 Islamic revolution and U.S. made. Since the revolution, Tehran had purchased Russian-made submarines.

In the last year Iran's navy has conducted several missions in the Gulf of Aden and off Somalia to escort duty Unfortunately where merchant ships and oil tankers Iran.

Tehran is now enriching uranium, which many Western nations and Israel fear is a step toward making an atomic bomb. Tehran rejected the accusation, saying its nuclear program is entirely peaceful.

On Thursday, the world's atomic watchdog express concern that Iran may have sought to develop nuclear warheads. On Friday, Iran put aside his concerns as "unfounded."

UN sanctions because Iran had failed to meet a Security Council resolution asked that it stop the enrichment. Neither the U.S. nor Israel has not ruled out military action if Iran does not meet the resolution in the end it

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